Thursday, 30 January 2014

MoreSmiles 30:365

Year 10 Parents Evening for Isaac and I couldn't be more proud of him. Every teacher was highly complimentary. His German teacher was positively ecstatic that Isaac was back, and as Herr G is German this was even more noteworthy as he's not given to such emotional outbursts! There were some common themes for the conversations including how Isaac works very hard ignoring 'distractions' around him, how he and another lad bounce ideas off one another and push each other to use the best vocabulary, the most accurate explanation etc, and how no one could explain his predicted grades being so 'low' (that's because your statistics are based on a system you don't understand!) Well done Isaac - certainly made me smile.
And then I did my 'ditsy Mum' thing...
Whilst standing waiting to talk to his Maths teacher, I was asking Isaac where various teachers were sitting in the hall. We'd been through a few when I asked "And where is the lovely Mr Williams?" (Isaac's HoY who is a rather nice chap!) to which Isaac replied 'Sitting right there next to where you're standing' motioning to just beside my left elbow. I apparently went rather pink but Mr W was (hopefully) too engrossed in consulting another parent to notice!
Away from BVGS, I had to smile ruefully as my wonderful science lesson on the seasons was all but forgotten by the pupils who were far more inspired by snow falling.
And I managed not to cause an sharp intakes of breath in my Chinese New Year assembly this week.

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