Monday 9 March 2015

LisaSmiles 68:365

This morning I posed the following as the SODA (start of the day activity) for Y5 (yes, #mfltwitterati *that* Y5!):
"Yesterday was International Women's Day. Which woman/women inspire you and why?"
One girl mentioned the suffragettes. It was lovely to hear several children say their Mum. And then one child said "Mrs Stevens because she's Spanish and  English at the same time." Wasn't expecting that but I was very touched. A good start to Monday morning! 
And whilst the day wasn't all smiles, the thought that at least three children were inspired by language learning kept me going. (Another child presented me with her self imposed homework and a Y3 asked me if we talk French at lunchtime on Wednesday as she was on a trip when we normally have our little conversations) 

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