Tuesday 27 August 2013

Smiles 239:365

I'm not doing very well on the photo taking at the moment as I'm not out and about very much.

I can't even get a third of the way down my garden for fear of hurting my foot further.

So I'm relying on pictures BCH (before Switzerland)

I can see these from the part of the garden I can reach.

I can see this in the distance growing up the fence - very distant and rather wild but there are flowers!

And I can't wait to be able to stand under the trees and look up like this at the blue sky.

For now I'm making do with managing to get onto my beloved swinging bench :) (sadly no flowers on it at the moment)

I had a smile - and a laugh - at the young man from the Hyundai garage who called today to see if we liked our car. He asked about my foot and then tried to move the conversation on to the car by saying "Your legs apart... oh, no I didn't mean that. (pause) Leaving your legs apart... no, that's worse...." after which I rescued him by saying "You mean, apart from my broken foot..."  I could feel him blushing down the telephone! Poor lad!

And GBBO - no excessive finger slicing or great disaster this week but bread shaped like a football predicting octopus? And a loaf of bread with tomatoes on the top as ' an inventive spectacular bread'? 

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