Tuesday 13 August 2013

Smiles 225:365

Today's smile is dedicated to Lisas!

Lovely Lisa visited today which made my day. The Sartori-Readshaw family are off to Dubai you see, and I'd missed the wedding and christening and saying goodbye so I was really touched that Lisa popped in with little Theo before they moved. Lisa is one of those people who always makes me smile - she's got a great way of looking at life and her Facebook updates about conversations she has with her husband are hilarious! When Lisa started at WCPS, I became 'Spanish Lisa' as we were both Lisa S; since then two more Lisas have joined the team so it's like being back at primary school where there were 4 Lisas in my class of 28!

And it's Happy birthday to my Swiss "other half". 
Happy birthday 'Baking Lisa' from 'Running Lisa'xx

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