Friday 11 January 2013

Smiles 11:365

Thank you to my friend - and fellow ISW mum - Lisa for bringing me lemon drizzle cake. Her cake, scones and other baked things always make me smile, and last year she made a homesick girl very happy by providing the best mince pie I've ever eaten! Today she also reported that I've been missed at school this week - which is nice!

Things I heard today that made me smile
During Writers Workshop in KG this week, a child asked for a stretchy sock. I was intrigued as to why that would help them with their writing. The 6 year old explained that they used it to stretch words and help them write them. cat is stretched to c-a-t and so on.
Today I wore long stripey socks and a child said 'we could stretch very long words with your socks, Mrs S!' So we did!

Smile in other languages
In Hindi - मुस्कान

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